Essay Format And Essentials To Write A Great Essay

An essay is short writing or a piece of writing on a topic giving one central message with the help of the whole setting. Essays are written by pointing out something in a short manner; the nature of the writing can be both formal and informal. 

An essay is a collection of points of view or stories of a writer about a single topic which is expressed in paragraph form. The purpose of any essay is to bring light to something or make the credibility of the writer. And another purpose of an essay is to push people to learn about a topic.

How to write good essay can only be answered when the basis of an essay is clear in your mind. Before going into detail about the essentials which make an essay worth reading, here is the basic structure of an essay. 

Basic Structure Of Every Essay  

  • Introduction

This part is the first part of your essay. Introduce the main message in short paragraphs so that people know what to expect from the entire essay.

  • Body

Here the main part of the message is written in detail. The body is purely dedicated to the main message and it is advised not to take people in a different direction than the ultimate goal.

  • Conclusion 

This part sums up the introduction and body part in a strong way so people have something to take away from the essay.

Essentials For A Great Essay

  • Only One Single Message

The flow of your essay should be unidirectional because if you add two topics in one article it might become too much for people to read. And also disturbs the logical flow of the essay which is an important part of how to write good essay (วิธี การ เขียน essay writing, which is the term in Thai)

  • Introduction

It is the first part of your essay that will decide if your reader will continue or leave the article without giving it a read. Most people decide based on whether the introduction of the essay is worth their time or not.

  • Clarity

The clarity of the message is important because you are delivering something and if people will not get exactly what you are saying then what’s the point of writing the essay in the first place.

An essay is a short and powerful way to convey a message to the audience or people about a particular topic. The nature of an essay is both formal and informal, convincing the ideas and pushing readers to think about the main message. How to write good essay is answered in the article giving 3 essentials of a great essay.